Friday, July 10, 2009

My Moms Here!

Finally!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! Now, after the anticipation of meeting my mother, I can finally sleep! I was awake for 15 days O.o I never knew I could do that.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

More about me

So apparently, I am an Emperor Penguin. Other Penguins tell me to call myself an "Emperor Penguin" but not an "Empire Penguin". My father says I have to stand here for the next while until my mother comes home.

This is it.

Standing, here at this very spot.

How fun.

Just Born

Today I was born from an egg. I was a little penguin chick. Life is pretty boring. All I do is stand there and do absouloutly nothing. So this is. The great questions that pop into the mind of all newborn Penguins. Why am I here? How did I get here? Why is today's media filled with of reality TV?
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